Jeremy and James rather like the new Lexus RC-F. Here's everything you need to know about it and its main rival, the BMW M4
Thomas Emler BMW looks a lot better..
Dávid Molnár BMW so much better than Lexus
Lévie Solonka They've become morons...the Beemer is the real deal !
Herve Charpenay deep down it is still a overpriced toyota!, i'll take the real car that will still look like a BMW in 20 years and the Toyota will had 20 facelifts
Colin Neville Lexus anyday
Adrian Casian BMW M4!!!
Aron Schmitz ...and in this fight, the M4 wins. BMW Powerrrr!!
Anto Jukić BMW
Ivan Slade Lexus is better
Luis Salazar buthurt , buthurt everywhere, go Lexus!
Jens Petter Teksdal Haraldsen Then Jeremy and James probably have a concusjon
Alex Tzekovsky BMW for life
윤성욱 I'm not sure lexus is bmw's main rival.
Bryken Wayman M4 the Lexus is too ugly.
Pavel Patera bmw
Dan Wilkinson BMW M4 anyday
Ivan Bekavac Lexus
Nicholas Brewer Lexus
Colin Reed There's only one way to sort this !!!! FIGHT !!!!!
Angelo McKrieling Beemer any day...!
One Ontumetse-Kroeger Lexus
Kresimir Ostojic Overpriced Toyota no thanks
Adz Timmy Fcukk me! Both niceee
Mikołaj Tytko Well.. maybe BMW is better car, but I think lexus looks better
Kongo Bongo Mike Lexus z best
Chris Vine Seriously there's no comparison there's no way the Lexus would drive anywhere near as good as the m4 and then there's looks again no comparison and build quality do I have to say it again?
And the dude who mentioned amg are you on another planet anyone can put ridiculous power under the bonnet but what separates the great cars are when the chassis are engineered in such a way that power can be used a lesson amg havnt learnt yet!
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Ryan Khaild lexus beast
Edward Torode Japanese crap! car or German quality! hmmm?
Raymond Yip lexus looks more refine
Patrick Geary Lexus all the way. Still love M4/M3's though...
Mahlokoza Jaconia M4 iz the best mayb APC
Protas V Mncube Am loving the M4 .
Scott Dunlop BMW all the way
James Wallace Lexus!
Nickolas Nick M
Michael Carruthers M4 all day, working for BMW didn't sway my choice tho
Rohan Ahmad If you're a true petrol head you would agree with my choice: mercedes c63 AMG
Rifat Alija Lexus
Rohan Singh that's called a ca......r
Nick Morrison I'd take the Lexus, just because the M4 looks like every other BMW out there, and it reminds me of the LFA.
Adam Bradsell Bmw. every time.
عيسي السليمي Only performance his a referred
Hazhar Kwekha Its 14 acors of grill and nothing else
Daniel Colombo V8 > I6
Elso Lago Both! We can't choose between perfection!
Abdulkarim Oughlis I'm sorry but I'm JAPAN'man !
Hubert Jadczak M4, no doubts.
윤성욱 That Lexus very good car but... still it's. Lexus....
Periklis Isaakidis lexus for the win
Walroux Engelbrecht Beemer all the way
Charles d'Avoine Lexus ftw
Joshua Pickering M Power all the way
Viktor Mendreu bmw
Carlos Gtr Lexus RC-F
Regina Smiley Ndou Bmw
Luka Lovše BMW itak;)
Scott Stewart Lexus RC-F ? WAW that is all !!
Sam Ford BMW
Martin J Hadland Lexus Pappie!
Sebastian Boatca Bmw - great design for a re-run. Lexus - comes from the future. Design speaking...
Pratchaya Moonthonsong Lexus Because V8 N.A.
Roland Sándli Lambo FTW
Gary Welsh to me it will always be the M3!!
Alejandro Marcelo Paganini Nesesito ayuda financiera o patrocinadores, estoy fabricando una moto a medida de mi discapacidad física, cuando la termine haré un viaje muy largo, el cual pienso documentar y luego mostrarlo para que sirva a otros como Yo, y demostrar que si podemos, con ingenio, muchas ganas, nada nos puede detener, en mi caso mi única barrera es lo económico, y para eso no hay nada. Pero sí hay mucha gente solidaria que demostró su apoyo.. Tal vez el que no tiene alguna discapacidad no se dá cuenta del valor de este proyecto. Pero cuando esté todo terninado y vean todas las filmaciones desde el conienzo, los problemas que surjan y el viaje en si mismo. Gracias a los que me ayudan y los que quieran saber más. Llamenme al +540381156021363
Kyle Morgese Lol @bmw .. Lexus RC all day!
Vinu Lal M4 looks a lot like M3 F30...
Alan Humphreys BMW is much nicer than the Lexus.
Liam Taffy Smith Bmw full stop
Debbsie Fleming Jag XF beats them both hands down.
Billy Ryan lexus good car
Ioan Martin lexus RC-F.
Farouk Messi both
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